Easy When You Know the Rules: A Look Back at THE GAME (2023)
David Fincher’s third film, THE GAME, was a labyrinthine thriller whose protagonist loses more and more ground under his feet in a staged “game”. In the in-depth retrospective, screenwriters John Brancato and Michael Ferris, producer Jonathan Mostow, and script doctor Larry Gross talk about the development of the project, while production designer Jeffrey Beecroft gives insights into the visual concept of the film.
Director, Writer & Producer: Christian Genzel
Co-Producers: Wolf Jahnke & Phil Friederichs
Editor: Marcel Hasemann
Animation/Graphics/Title: Matthias Noe
Cast: John Brancato, Michael Ferris, Jonathan Mostow, Larry Gross
Duration: 47 minutes
The Mighty Fall: The Visual Concept of THE GAME (2023)

Jeffrey Beecroft, the production designer of THE GAME, David Fincher’s puzzle game about appearance and reality, talks about the visual concept of the film, the elements of each location and his approach to implementation.
Director, Writer & Producer: Christian Genzel
Co-Producers: Wolf Jahnke & Phil Friederichs
Editor: Marcel Hasemann
Animation/Graphics/Title: Matthias Noe
Cast: Jeffrey Beecroft
Duration: 16 minutes
The Storm Chasers: Jan de Bont on TWISTER (2021)

The Dutchman Jan de Bont became known as a cinematographer above all for his work with Paul Verhoeven (including TURKISH DELIGHT, THE FOURTH MAN and BASIC INSTINCT) and shot blockbusters such as DIE HARD, FLATLINERS, THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER or LETHAL WEAPON 3 in Hollywood. As a director, he directed the action hit SPEED, among others. In the Zoom interview, Jan talks about working on the bad-weather adventure TWISTER and why realism is so important to him.
The featurette is included in Turbine’s TWISTER media book, which was published in September 2021.
Director, Writer & Producer: Christian Genzel
Co-Producers: Wolf Jahnke & Phil Friederichs
Editor & GFX: René Hoffmann
Duration: 19 minutes
The Look of PITCH BLACK: A Conversation with David Eggby (2021)

David Eggby became known as the cinematographer of the influential action film MAD MAX and later worked on films such as WARLOCK, QUIGLEY DOWN UNDER, FORTRESS, HARLEY DAVIDSON AND THE MARLBORO MAN, DRAGONHEART and DAYLIGHT. In the Zoom interview, David talks about the special look of the film PITCH BLACK.
The featurette is included in Turbine’s upcoming PITCH BLACK box set.
Director, Writer & Producer: Christian Genzel
Co-Producers: Wolf Jahnke & Phil Friederichs
Editor: Marcel Hasemann
GFX: René Hoffmann
Duration: 14 minutes
The First Riddick Sequel: M. David Melvin on INTO PITCH BLACK (2020)

M. David Melvin is best known for his extensive bonus features for J.J. Abrams films STAR TREK and SUPER 8, and he shot the feature-length documentary ROBIN HOOD for Ridley Scott. Parallel to David Twohy’s SF horror PITCH BLACK, he shot the TV spin-off INTO PITCH BLACK, which was intended to arouse curiosity about the movie and at the same time expand the character of Riddick, played by Vin Diesel. In the Zoom conversation, David recalls the making of this little-known first Riddick sequel.
The featurette is included in Turbine’s upcoming PITCH BLACK box set.
Director, Writer & Producer: Christian Genzel
Co-Producers: Wolf Jahnke & Phil Friederichs
Cut: Marcel Hasemann
GFX: René Hoffmann
Duration: 13 minutes
Creatures in the Dark: John Cox on PITCH BLACK (2020)

Australian animatronics specialist John Cox won the Oscar in 1996 for his work on BABE. He and his team also worked on films such as THE HOST, ROGUE, and CROCODILE DUNDEE IN LOS ANGELES. In the Zoom conversation, John talks about his work on the creatures of the science fiction horror film PITCH BLACK.
The featurette is included in Turbine’s upcoming PITCH BLACK box set.
Director, Writer & Producer: Christian Genzel
Co-Producers: Wolf Jahnke & Phil Friederichs
Editor & GFX: René Hoffmann
The Origins of PITCH BLACK: A Conversation with Ken Wheat (2020)

Together with his brother Jim, Ken Wheat has been involved in numerous horror films and sequels, including NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4, THE FLY II, or PSYCHOCK. As directors, they shot the second Ewok spin-off EWOKS: THE BATTLE FOR ENDOR for George Lucas. In the Zoom interview, Ken recalls the original version of their screenplay for the Vin Diesel surprise hit PITCH BLACK, which was still called NIGHTFALL at the time, and differed from David Twohy’s film in many ways.
The featurette is included in Turbine’s upcoming PITCH BLACK box set.
Director, Writer and Producer: Christian Genzel
Co-Producers: Wolf Jahnke & Phil Friederichs
Edtior & GFX: René Hoffmann
Duration: 13 minutes
A Man and His Horse: Steven E. de Souza on KNIGHT RIDER (2020)

Steven de Souza is known as the author of films such as DIE HARD, RUNNING MAN, COMMANDO, or HUDSON HAWK, and he directed STREET FIGHTER. In 1982/83 he was the producer of the first season of KNIGHT RIDER and oversaw the scripts. In an in-depth conversation at his home in Los Angeles, he recalls the making of the series, the work with the actors and his own contributions to this modern Western: “A man and his horse – only the horse could talk.”
The featurette is included in Turbine’s upcoming KNIGHT RIDER box set.
Director, Writer & Producer: Christian Genzel
Executive Producers: Wolf Jahnke & Phil Friederichs
Camera: Paul Sprinz
Sound: Ken Rischard
Editor: René Hoffmann
Duration: 33 minutes